
If you are like me and enjoy a lazy Sunday going on the Internet, but like to spend your time as productively as possible.  Might I suggest some website for you to visit today and why I think they are great.

1. TED

I will get the obvious one out of the way.  I am sure most of you have heard of or even watch TED talks.  It has a large number of inspirational presentations, that are not only interesting to watch, but also an invaluable resource to observe a great presentation style.

Many agree and if someone describes a presentation you have given as being in a ‘TED presentation style’ they are giving you a compliment.

When I am due to give a talk, I go on TED and watch some of the most popular videos and watch each speakers body language, tone of voice, presentation materials and how they use their own personality to meet how they present.

This is my favourite talk by Simon Sinek (Buy his book: Start with Why here)

2. How to Beast

A site written by a Personal Trainer and Engineer, David is one of my favourite Manosphere writers because he focuses on self-improvement and keeps out the political side of things.

This makes his writing very positive, he is easy to understand and you can easily take an action based off everything he writes – whether it is fitness, meditation, relationships or self-improvement.

This website is also one of the inspirations behind the Manifesto of Perfection.  This is a great post and kind of explains the philosophy of How to Beast:

8 Empowering Beliefs to Help you Crush Life

3.  99U

Is a new find for me, but has engaged me for the start with articles, videos and podcasts on leadership, business, career and self-improvement, from a variety of people.

An example of a great article is this: The Secret to an Efficient Team? Gratitude.  As a result it provokes much thought as I think “yeah that’s a good point…”

There seems to be quite an active community of discussion, with most articles promoting some sort of comment.

These are some of my favourites, does anyone have any recommendations?

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